Community Building Community: The Seventh Day Adventist Church

Coolearth was hired to build a new church for 138 parishioners on a property in Machar Township, a 2-hour drive south of Sudbury. The new building is fashioned with a well-lit foyer, a sanctuary that includes a full-immersion baptismal font – the grand feature of the church – and because the church stressed the need to cater to families in the community, the church also includes a mothers’ room, media room, warming kitchen, community-use fellowship hall, classrooms, an office/library, change room, and universal washrooms.
The proposal as well provides parking for 55 vehicles, accommodating for large vehicle turn arounds and offering flexibility on occasion for large events.

Recognizing that this project would serve as a significant cultural public space, the community came together – as strong communities should – to construct the church. Coolearth produced both permit and construction drawings, keeping in mind that the township’s own residents would use them to build the project. The church was completed in May 2018 and now serves as a centre for both activity and growth within the community.