
Call For Experienced Architects

Expert architects wanted to inform National Building Code development on future wall design

As innovation occurs in the field of wall design, research baselines supporting the Building Code and low carbon design require updating to reflect current practices. As part of a research project from the NRC, this is your chance to contribute your knowledge to inform research supporting future versions of the Building Code.

As masters of detailing, you are invited to apply to be one of the building experts in this study. You will provide base information on current practices as well as anonymized, typical detail drawings from your practice.  

To participate you must have completed a minimum of 15 years  as a practicing architect. Your contribution will take approximately 3-5 hours, and as your time is valuable to us, there will be a $500 honorarium for those selected.

Selection is based on range of practice, both in knowledge and location. Those selected will bring a variety of experiences to reflect building in Canada.

If interested, please fill out the following form and prepare a short resume of your architectural experience. Both may be sent to upon completion.

Selection will close when the criteria are filled.

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