Sammon House receives Passive House EnerPHit Classic Certification!
We are very happy to announce that the Sammon Passive House, the progress of which we have been documenting on this blog (here and here) has just received Passive House EnerPHit Classic Certifications. As far as we know, this is the first home in Toronto to receive EnerPHit Passive House Institute certification. Congrats to the whole team including German, Krupa, Sheena, the clients, and builders for their hard work!
The project was just featured in the CAGBC Ontario Focus Fall 2022 magazine and Teagan McCanny took these awesome pictures for the magazine spread. The project has a bright open concept living area-kitchen, with large windows facing into a serene outdoor backyard social space and garden.

EnerPHit is the Passive House Institutes program for building retrofits. Coolearth has a lot of clients interested in retrofits, and EnerPHit is a great option for them to consider when they want to pursue certification for energy retrofits. The major difference between EnerPHit certification and Passive House “Classic” certification is that EnerPHit certification was specifically designed for retrofit projects. In order to hit our global climate targets energy retrofits will form a major component of our carbon costs. Energy Retrofits can also increase comfort, decrease energy bills, and create a resilient home.

You can learn more about our approach to Passive House design here.
All photos by Teagan McCanny unless otherwise noted.