IQBAL Halal Foods

IQBAL Halal Foods

Project Duration:2023 – Ongoing
Project Location:City of Toronto, ON
Size:28,000 sf
Keywords:Toronto Green Standard
Energy Modelling
Grocery Store / Supermarket
Industrial Building Retrofit

The project is the relocation of an important existing food store for the Thorncliffe Park community, due to the construction of the Ontario line. This modern independent grocery store imports food from around world to serve the diversity of Thorncliffe park. In collaboration with the province, MTO, and local property owners, an appropriate new site was selected for the project and development began.

The design involves the adaptive re-use of an existing 20,000 sf, one-story industrial building. The entire structure of this building will remain except for the north wall which will be demolished to connect to a new two-storey 15,000 sqft addition. The top floor of the addition will include office space to consolidate multiple separate offices into the new facility. The lower floor will be dedicated to the grocery process equipment (loading, preparation, and cold storage). The building was made accessible through site grading, accessible washrooms, and with the overall layout of the store.

The food store aims to be energy efficient and meet the Toronto Green Standard (TGS) and National Energy Building Code (NECB). The TGS and Permit Energy Modelling was conducted including thermal bridging calculations and simulation using eQuest. From the completed Energy Modelling report, recommendations were made to add 4″ of insulation to the walls using an EIFS system and the roof has 4″ of polyiso insulation and tapered insulation for drainage. This resulted in a 48% reduction in the building’s annual gas usage and 4.5% annual cost savings relative to the existing building and new addition built to meet OBC SB-10 requirements.

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