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Buyers vie for Mid-century home by Coolearth Architecture Partner

Coolearth Architecture Partner Martin Poizner’s work was recently the focus of a Globe and Mail article (see here) about a bidding war on a unique modern home in Rosedale. The Globe and Mail Article had this to say: “In the late 1960s, Sotak & Poizner Architects earned a Canadian Housing Design award for the design […]

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High-Performance House in Parry Sound almost complete

The High-Performance house is almost complete, only counter tops, vanities and final details are missing. The electrical and mechanical systems are fully functioning and we are just waiting for the final inspection from the township to get the occupancy. Some landscaping has already started to happen. Here are some pictures of the empty house:  

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Expert Witness Architect

Increasingly we find ourselves called upon to act in disputes that arise on work executed by others, either to help explain the issues to the Court in a litigation support role, or to mediate in finding ways to resolve differences, and avoid costly litigation. An Expert Witness Architect is an Architect that can provide their […]

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