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Tiny Homes: An Architects Perspective

Tiny Homes is a movement sweeping North America.  It consists of people who build and live in homes around 200 square feet.  Considering that the average American household is over 2,000 square feet, the Tiny House movement is seeking to building houses only 10% the average size. Are tiny houses comfortable to live in?  Judging […]

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Permaculture, or Working with Nature

Architects are tasked with designing and supervising the construction of buildings.  The landscape surrounding the building is integral to the building, and therefore we make a site plan which details all of this.  The surrounding landscape can have a big impact on the climate inside and around the building, as well as the quality of […]

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Queens Quay Re-opens with Beautiful Bike Lanes, Sidewalks and Trees

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure to cycle on Queen’s Quay bike lanes before they were officially opened later that evening. The joy of riding down the street without dodging and diving across and between construction barriers, street car tracks, and confused (and rightly-so) pedestrians and motorists cannot be overstated.   All this seems a […]

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Call for Proposals for Passive Building Show August-September 2015

Coolearth Architecture is calling for proposals for their storefront Gallery space that explore passive buildings.  Selected entries will be displayed in August and September at 386 Pacific Avenue, in Toronto’s Junction.   Proposal Statement: Much is made in the media of “smart” buildings which are wired and connected throughout, which move and twist in response […]

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Craig has his Passive House Certification

We are proud to announce that Coolearth’s Craig  England has just received his Passive House Certification.  Congratulations to Craig! We are excited to offer clients the services of a certified Passive House Designer! To learn more about Passive House, visit a blog we did here, or check out the Passive House website

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Shawn Micallef – Contact Photography Festival

We are excited to announce that we are hosting Shawn Micallef’s “Toronto System” photo-series as part of this years Contact Photography Festival.   Shawn Micallef explores Toronto leaving a trail of tweeted and instagramed photos behind him. These photos sometimes have people in them, but often don’t. They are an oblique aggregate of the city’s […]

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