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2030 Commitment – 2014 Report – 65% Reduction over Average

  It’s that time of year again: when Architecture firms across North America who are participants in the 2030 Challenge report their results.  This year we exceeded the target of 60% reduction by achieving a 65% reduction.   This means that we are working effectively towards the 2030 Challenge goal of all new construction being […]

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Carbon Pricing: A Key Driver of Climate Change Mitigation

Last week, In a lecture to students at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim spoke about the main drivers of climate change, and how these can be addressed. “We have to keep the economy growing – there is no turning back on growth… What we have to do is […]

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Passive House in Canada?

A Passive House in Victoria, BC by Greg Damant. Passive House is a standard which certifies buildings who achieve high levels of energy efficiency, and comfort. The strangest part, perhaps, is not the reasonable price point for which this efficiency and comfort can be gained (in Canada approximately 10% more initial construction cost then standard)… […]

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No Optimal Price of Oil

“For these types of reasons I will argue that there is no ‘optimal’ price  for oil in much the same way as there is no ‘optimal’ price for heroin.  This analogy between oil and heroin may appear like a polemical exaggeration, but I hope to show that it is, in fact, worryingly apt. When heroin […]

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Sheena Appointed to Ontario’s Climate Action Group

Today we are happy to announce Sheena Sharp, a principal at Coolearth was appointed a Special Advisor for Climate Change as part of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Climate Action Group. The climate action group will advise the minister on effective climate change actions that will help Ontario meet its greenhouse […]

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Land Use Planning & Sustainability

Recent and surprising news (at least from our perspective) from Brazil: a drought stretchs across their most populous province, Sao Paulo. Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira has said the country’s three most populous states are experiencing their worst drought since 1930. Expert consensus is building around deforestation as a major driver of this year’s drought […]

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