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Passive Survivability – Building Design for Resilience and Safety

Passive Survivability is a term coined by Building Science expert Alex Wilson, which he defines as “maintaining livable conditions in the event of extended loss of power or interruptions in heating fuel.” Alex, came up with the idea after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, observing how modern un-powered, un-serviced buildings overheated while traditional architecture remained […]

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Blower Door Testing on Net-zero Toronto Semi-detached Retrofit

Yesterday the Coolearth team conducted a Blower Door test on the Net-zero Toronto Semi-detached Retrofit project during the construction phase to identify any major air leaks. By doing the Blower Door test mid-construction we are able to work with the contractor to solve problems before we get to far into the process.   This saves money […]

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Visit us @ the Green Living Show, April 7-9th

We invite you to join us at the upcoming Toronto Green Living Show on April 7-9th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Coolearth Architecture’s booth is 1546. At the Green Living Show we will be sharing a plan to make your home Net-zero in five years. Homes in the GTA use a substantial amount of […]

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Ontario Energy and Water Benchmarking has been Implemented!

At Coolearth we began calling for the Energy and Water benchmarking almost three years ago, so it is heartening to see it implemented last week.  At that time we thought the most likely initiative would be  via the City of Toronto, but since then Toronto partnered up with Ontario to implement a province-wide policy.  We […]

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A Practical Approach to Climate Change

This Winter Sheena Sharp published another article in the “In Touch” magazine by the REIC (Real Estate Institue of Canada) on “A Practical Approach to Climate Change”.  The text is reproduced below. The Toronto 2030 District is a program created by Architecture 2030, a non-profit think tank looking at how our buildings can meet the challenge […]

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