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Coniston Non-Profit Seniors – Opening the Elmwood

Coolearth was excited last Friday to be celebrating the opening of the Coniston Non-Profit Seniors Housing “Elmwood” building with the board, local politicians and stakeholders! The Grand Opening of the 55-unit high performance seniors housing project was on Friday September 29th, 2023. The Sudbury Times quotes local MP Marc Serre who attended the Coniston Elmwood […]

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First 3D views of minimalist Custom High Performance Home in Toronto

We are excited to share with you the first 3D views of a custom high performance Toronto family home that is getting ready to begin construction. The custom home is both energy efficient and minimalist: uniting the client's twin goals of building a finely-tuned and efficient home for their family and lifestyle, as well as a beautiful simple expression of their aesthetic values.

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